Archives for: October 2007, 29


Using your belgian eID for SSL authentication

Some time ago I got a very basic cardreader to use with my eID. It was fairly easy to get this working under Linux, only had to create one ebuild for the acr38 driver. Looks like you don't even need the Zetes/FedICT tools to do authentication in Firefox, the standard OpenSC libs work too.

For the record: what you need is opensc, pcsc, and the acr38 driver, that's about it to start playing around. The FedICT tools are nice to play around and view which data is stored on the card.

Anyway, on-topic now :-) In my previous post I wondered whether it'd be possible to get an SSL certificate, using the key on my card. Looks like this is easier than I thought :-)

You need to have openssl (du-uh) and engine-pkcs11 installed to do this.

To generate a request, open a console and launch openssh. Once at the OpenSSL prompt, issue these 2 commands:
engine -t dynamic -pre SO_PATH:/usr/lib/engines/ -pre ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre MODULE_PATH:/usr/lib/
Adjust paths if necessary, of course. This loads the pkcs11 engine inside OpenSSL.
req -engine pkcs11 -new -days 100 -key id_02 -keyform engine -out myrequest.csr -subj "/C=BE/ST=O-VL/O=My Organisation/CN=My Name/emailAddress=my@email.tld"
Adjust the days, out and subj parameters, at least. The key ID can be found using
pkcs15-tool -cUse the ID of the Authentication X509 certificate.

You'll be asked to enter your PIN code, once this is done your certificate signing request will be stored in myrequest.csr (or whatever filename you chose), ready to be sent to some CA administrator, after which he can sign the request (added code to do this to CAAdmin some minutes ago, about to commit), send back the certificate, and you're all set.

How to use the certificate depends on your application, of course. You can add the pkcs11 authentication provider to Firefox, OpenVPN got some pkcs11-related settings, etc.

I'll try the OpenVPN stuff in a minute :-)

Pretty cool stuff, if this'd work... Both VPN and SSH authentication will be done using my eID if this turns out well.

Edit: right, I was able to sign my generated request (using my eID's authentication certificate) using our VPN's CA, but now I got some issue with issuer certificates: OpenVPN seems to look for an issuer certificate matching the C/CN/SN/GN/serialNumber of the certificate on my eID. This is, obviously, not the way I'd want it to work... Isn't it possible to tell OpenVPN to use some_file.crt as certificate, but use the key in some slot on my eID as key? Using PKCS11 seems to disable the ability to use file-based certificates :-(

Permalink . Ikke . 05:22:55 am . 463 Words . Technology . . 2392 views . Leave a comment
Being a Certificate Authority made easier than ever

Lately at VTK we started to use SSL (and X509 keys) at more places than just one webserver. We figured out using a central CA (and not one per server) and managing keys centralised would be A Good Thing.

So I created a LUKS volume on one of our servers (which is only usable by us admins) to store CA data. OpenSSL is kinda tough to work with though (well, lots of commands with lots of command line parameters ;-)), so I decided to create some sort of text-based interface around it, inspired by OpenVPN's EasyRSA scripts.

I titled the end result CAAdmin. You can find a gitweb view (including pull URL) here if interested. Fixes or patches to add functionality are very welcome (email :-)).

Currently it allows you to:

  • Create a new CA
  • Generate server keys and certificates
  • Generate client keys and certificates (both password protected and without password)
  • List your CA's CRL
  • Create a CRL file to distribute to your servers
  • Revoke a certificate

Functionality to sign an incoming certificate request should be added. I'd love to figure out whether it's possible to use my (belgian) eID card (and reader): I can read the data on it and use it for SSH authentication, but I didn't figure out yet whether it's possible to pull out a signature request out of it, so I can use the private key stored on it to access some of our key-based SSL services... Any pointers?

Permalink . Ikke . 04:02:57 am . 242 Words . Technology, Coding Corner . . 935 views . 2 comments