Categories: Politics, EU Software Patents, N-VA


Gevonden in De Standaard:

God roept Vladimir Poetin, George Bush en Guy Verhofstadt bij zich. Het is tijd voor de Apocalyps. De drie zijn uitverkoren om de mensheid in te lichten. Terug op aarde brengt Poetin de Doema dubbel slecht nieuws: god bestaat en de wereld vergaat. Bush beschouwt voor het Congres de goddelijke existentie als een opsteker. Alleen jammer van die Apocalyps. Verhofstadt ten slotte roept de media bijeen voor tweevoudig heuglijk nieuws: ,,Ik mocht bij God op visite. En ik blijf eerste minister, tot het einde der tijden.''

Illustreert jammergenoeg verbazend goed hoe hij over de BHV-saga dacht, met de uiterst pijlijke en beschamende afloop tot gevolg.

Permalink . Peter . 22:59:01 . 109 Words . Life & Fun, Politics . Email . No views


Trefdag Jong N-VA

Bij deze mijn eerste nederlandstalige post op deze blog. Aangezien het om materie gaat op lokaal vlak en mijn kennis over politieke termen in het Engels niet al te best is, lijkt het mij opportuun om een geen Engels te gebruiken.

Ik begin meer en meer gebeten te worden door politiek. Mijn post deze week, over mijn bezoek met de Oost-Vlaamse N-VA jongeren aan het Vlaams Parlement, was al een begin, doch vandaag is het verdergegaan met mijn deelname aan de trefdag van Ronduit N-VA, tot voor kort de naam van de N-VA jongeren.

Het logo van Ronduit N-VA!
Het (oude) logo van Ronduit N-VA!

Het was een uiterst boeiende dag, beginnende met het gesprek met Brigitte Grouwels (CD&V), staatssecretaris in de regering van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. Het was een uiterst boeiend gesprek, over de sociale uitdagingen van Brussel met de grote mix aan culturen, en de typische institutionele problemen met de 19 afzonderlijke gemeenten in het gewest. Ik was aangenaam verrast met haar boodschap dat het Nederlands een veel belangrijker rol begint in te nemen in onze hoofdstad. Onze Vlaamse hoofdstad en haar inwoners zijn in de loop der jaren immers danig verfranst, dat je bijzonder weinig kans hebt op straat iemand in het Nederlands te kunnen aanspreken aldaar. Vooral door de sterke politiek in Vlaanderen, met zaken zoals de zorgverzekering bijvoorbeeld, begint men te beseffen dat men het Nederlands best niet links laat liggen. Zowieso mag je je kansen op een job in Brussel of Vlaanderen volledig vergeten als je het Nederlands (evt naast het Frans) niet machtig bent. Dat heeft ouders, ook van franstalige gezinnen, ertoe aangezet hun kinderen in te schrijven in de scholen van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, alwaar het onderwijs van hoge kwaliteit is en de kinderen meteen ondergedompeld worden in het Nederlands. Uiteraard stelt dit ook grote problemen, tekort aan plaatsen, en is het bijzonder moeilijk les te geven aan een groep waarvan 75% het Nederlands niet als moedertaal heeft. Men heeft de boodschap blijkbaar ook begrepen bij de franstalige gemeenschap, alwaar men in Brussel (en de Vlaamse rand) scholen opricht volgens het principe van onderdompelonderwijs: bepaalde lessen worden er in het Nederlands gegeven, zodat de kinderen er als tweetaligen afzwaaien. Dit kan hen in hun latere loopbaan alleen maar ten goede komen!

Wat zo mogelijks nog boeiender was, was het daaropvolgende debat tussen Mark Demesmaeker (N-VA) en Christian Van Eycken (UF). Christian is eigenlijk van oorsprong een Vlaming, met een Vlaamse naam, doch in de loop der tijden is de familie verfranst. Hij is de enige franstalige verkozen op de kartellijst UF (PS + MR + CDh) in het Vlaams Parlement. Op zich getuigt het al van veel moed om zich zo letterlijk in het hol van de leeuw te wagen en zelfs te vragen om met Mark in debat te gaan, iets waar ik bijzonder veel respect voor heb. Beide sprekers bleven het hele debat vrij rustig, zonder persoonlijke aanvallen ed. Het was een uiterst boeiend en geanimeerd debat. Op bepaalde vlakken kwamen beide standpunten zelfs goed overeen, zoals rond de actie S.O.S. MUG bijvoorbeeld, doch op andere vlakken stonden beiden zoals verwacht lijnrecht tegenover elkaar, zoals in het dossier Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde. Op dit laatste punt kon Christian zich niet echt verdedigen, wat natuurlijk te verwacht voor deze terechte Vlaamse eis. Zijn argumentatie kwam eigenlijk neer op het feit dat hij de situatie in BHV als het laatste stukje federalisme ziet en dat wil bewaren, terwijl dit lijnrecht indruist tegen de territoriale integriteit van Vlaanderen zoals vastgelegd samen met de taalgrens.

banner sosmug
Teken de petitie en lees de meldingen aub.

Naast de debatten en gesprekken was er ook nog een laatste deeltje voorzien. Aangezien de naam "Ronduit" niet altijd de lading dekt en deze naam ook constant verklaard moet worden bij persmededelingen ed, heeft men ervoor gekozen om een nieuwe naam te gebruiken, namelijk Jong N-VA. Heel eenvoudig dus. Het nieuwe logo mag er trouwens ook wezen. Van zodra het ergens online zet, zal ik deze post aanpassen en het hieronder plaatsen.

Wat me echter enorm aangegrepen heeft tijdens het slot, was de speech van Mark. Tot voor kort kende ik zo goed als niets van hem, en had hij voor mij nog wat te veel rondom zich van bij zijn vorige job bij VTM, een zender die voor mij van een bijzonder laag niveau is. Mark heeft me echter verrast: zijn dossiers zien er zeer degelijk uit, maar tijdens zijn speech heeft hij verteld over zijn politieke bezigheden tijdens zijn jeugd, bij de VUJO, de VolksUnie Jongeren, de voorloper van Jong N-VA. Zijn gedrevenheid in die zaken, de manier waarop hij met heimwee naar die tijd terugkeek en zijn oproep om met Jong N-VA die wind opnieuw aan te wakkeren, hebben hem enorm in mijn achting doen stijgen. Ik kreeg de kriebels om er zelf ook in te vliegen en mee te bouwen aan een goede jongerenwerking. Tot nu toe heb ik dergelijke vragen steeds afgewezen wegens tijdsgebrek door mijn bezigheden in VTK en de studentenvertegenwoordiging, doch indien mijn agenda het volgend jaar zou toelaten, zal ik zeker hier en daar een steentje proberen bijdragen. Mijn schatje zal 't niet graag horen, maar de politieke kriebel laat zich alsmaar harder voelen. Nu ja, we zullen wel zien wat ervan komt. Voor volgend jaar liggen mijn prioriteiten alvast op mijn thesis, de GSR (ik ga mijn kans wagen om ondervoorzitter te worden) en mijn vriendin die zich wat te veel verwaarloosd voelt de laatste tijd. Nu ja, ze voelt zich eigenlijk altijd verwaarloosd vanaf ik weg ben ;-)

Geen 200 jaar Belgi			</div>
         <div class= Permalink . Peter . 03:09:39 . 919 Words . Politics, N-VA . Email . No views


News about me

Final Year Thesis and Internship

I've made my decision about my final year thesis. Next year, I hope to do something about wireless network access on trains. There'll be a WLAN on the train, with a base station on the train, and the train itself will communicate with antennas next to the railway. Because of the high speed of the train, there will be a handover to the next antenna every two seconds. In my thesis, I'll have to study and test those handovers. This is my first choice, I also had to give a second one. That one is about using the eID (elektronic identity card) for authentication in MHP (Multimedia Home Platform), the digitaly television platform that will be used soon in Flanders. You can find more information about both subjects on the INTEC website. The first one is at the research group IBCN (INTEC Broadband Communication Networks) while the second one is at WICA wich stands for Wireless and Cable. Both topics are part of the research in the newly constructed IBBT, Interdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology, founded by the Flemish Government.

The IBBT logo

I also had a meeting with a few people of the IBCN group for an internship related to that thesis. He'll try to arrange one at Siemens or at Televic. If he can't get an internship there, I'll accept the proposal of Barco to study the development of a L2/L3 multicast gigabit switch.

The Intec logo


It was kind of an active week for VTK. At wednesday, we had ParkingPoP, a rock contest for local groups, wich was a big success. At wednesday and thursday, there were elections for the new board of VTK. Our followers are Bram and Pierre and I'm sure they'll do a great job. We had a meeting where we explained what we did this year and our vision about the next year. It seems they want to do great things, let's hope they've enough time for it. Before that meeting, I also had a lunch-meeting in a nice restaurant with the head of The Computer Store, the shop with the most ugly site in Ghent where we had a deal to sell computers. He claims our deal with Dell also has some disadvantages where he can be better, building on the very good results of the previous years. I've discussed it at the meeting with our followers and it seems they see more disadvantages than andvantages with them as partner, next to Dell.

Ah, before I forget, Lennert (who had a blog here before) is elected for treasurer with 16 votes more (on a total of 564) than his opponents. Congratulations and lots of succes!

Student representation

I didn't sign in for the VTK elections, because I've some other things in mind. I decided to run for the election of vice-president of the Ghent Student Council. The election is in oktober, but it isn't possible to combine this with another year in the VTK praesidium. If I don't make it, no problem, I'll be busy enough with my other work for the student representation, my final year thesis and of course my girlfriend who feels a little bit neglected sometimes ;-)

Also in student representation it was quite busy this week. Monday there was the facultairy computer commission with a very interesting point on the shedule: division of some money for new infrastructure. We also talked about the use of our pc-rooms and the troubles with the shortage of capacity. About that last one, we'll prepare a text from the student representation with a call for more available computers. I'll start to prepare that one after this post is finished ;-)

At the meeting with the student representation of our faculty of engineering, we decided to use a new name for our organisation. Now, it was "didactische cel", a term where nobody exactly knows the meaning of, especialy new students don't know who we are. We've chosen the name "FRiS", which stands for "faculty council of engineering students" or "Facultaire Raad voor IngenieursStudenten" in Dutch. It's a new name, invented by our responsible Peter Huyghebaert, to be better known by new students. This week, we also had the monthly faculty council and the deliberation before with the head of our faculty, who was very interested in the situation of the new students of the first year.

image of Peter Huygebaert
Peter Huygebaert

Friday I also went to the general meeting of vzw StudentENmobiliteit (student mobility) for the first time. From now on, I represent the students of our university there, together with two other students. It was a very interesting meeting. I also asked for more posibilities to pump up the tires of our bicycles in Ghent, especially at the campus in Zwijnaarde. The responsibles of our university agreed, so soon it'll be OK there in Zwijnaarde.

Next week, we'll have the election of the vice-rector of our university. There are two candidates: Luc Moens, from the faculty of sciences, and Paul Kiekens, from our faculty. Again, it'll be a very interesting time :-)


This week, I recieved an invitation to visit the Flemish Parliament and the new headquarter of the Flemish political party N-VA. Seems also very interesting, so wednesday I'll do the trip to Brussels.

picture of the general assembly of the Flemish Parliament
The Flemish Parliament

My lovely girlfriend...

is so curious now :-D Because her cellular is malfunctioning, I bought her a new one. At the 6th of May, it's her birthday. So now, I've put the box in a cabinet and she doesn't may look inside of it. It's so tempting, it's so close, but I trust her not to look in it :-D She doesn't know wich one allready.

Before I forget

Don't create a banana republic here please ;-)

no banana union banner

Permalink . Peter . 01:53:46 . 947 Words . Life & Fun, VTK, Studies, EU Software Patents, Politics, Siemens . Email . No views


International student representation/politics, workgroup free software revival

Again, I can say it was a very busy week, last one. But I enjoyed it very much! Movie week was good, the party was great. Many good-looking girls at the party, more than normal on engineers-parties ;-) You can see some pictures here and here. I helped cleaning up in the morning, saw my bed only between 8h30 and 13h XX(

That evening, after the party, I went to Brussels, for a meeting with the "workgroup international" of the VVS, the Union of Students in Flanders. There were some political points to discuss. Points I earlier thought of "far away from my bed", but now I've a better sight at the possible impact of them. Very, very important. We discussed about GATS, an agreement between the EU and the USA to let the European insurance companies operate at the american market. No problem with that, but as a return, the Americans want the EU to open our "education market" so they could start private high schools in Europe, privately funded, to fight at our public founded schools, delivering a quality of the best ones in Europe and the rest of the world. With that agreement, students should be seen as a consumer, where you get more if you pay more, instead of as an equal civilian, where everybody has the same rights. Very dangerous situation, I think.

Commissioner Frits Bolkestein
Ex-commissioner Frits Bolkestein
wiki-page: English - Dutch

Another thing we discussed is the Bolkestein-directive (Dutch - English) wich is almost equally, but only about the circulation of services (including education!) in the European Union. You can say "why not? It's good that I can go to an Irish school here in Flanders for example", but then you're falling under the Irish law. For example in Poland you don't have that much privacy-protection and social-protection as you have here, you don't have that good environment-protection as you have here and you also don't have that good educational quality as you have here because our final terms (directed by the Flemish Government) would be appropriate anymore. It can have a very big impact here and can reduce our very good social and environmental protection systems. So, please, sign the petition against that directive. A few days ago, I also red an article in the newspaper about a change of the Bolkestein directive: the "county of origin" part should be modified so that if they start here a Polish school/company, they're falling under our laws instead of the Polish ones. Seems a good evolution then.
International student representation/politics, I like it more and more. It gets more interesting every day.

At VTK, I think our firewall is ready. Now I just need to find out how to configure the DNS-server and then we can give it a test. Tomorrow we'll decide how many people our praesidium will count next year. We also have to vote if "computer" will remain with two people or not. Let's see...

My girlfriend is sick, she has the flu. Seems very hard for her. She's got tears in her eyes from her sore throat and has to throw up. Let's hope I don't get it from her.

Influenza virus photo
Influenza Virus photo

Some good news about the Workgroup Free Software! With the very busy first semester and the exams, it has been very quite around it. But now, I think it's time for a revival. Pieter has sent an e-mail about a linux-lesson with a liveCD to let the people meet linux in a safe environment without any risk. Seems a very good plan to demonstrate the power of linux, liveCD's and free software. A lesson about image manipulation with The Gimp is also in the running. Now, a meeting should be planned quite fast to organise those things. Normally, the meeting'll be on wednesday, 17h15 @ VTK. Feel free to join us! Let's hope it's a big succes and that it can open the eyes of lots of people for the power of free software!

Wilber, The GIMP mascotte
Wilber, The GIMP mascotte

While searching for the nice image above, I also found these interesting links: Linux and Scooby-Doo, GIMP's Film Version and The CinePaint Project.

Permalink . Peter . 01:41:24 . 689 Words . Life & Fun, Linux, VTK, Free Software, Politics, Workgroup Free Software . Email . No views


Corrupt filesystems = hell, sendmail sucks, SP.a sucks, VTK rocks!

It was quite hard to solve the problem I pointed at here. After a while we finally discovered the filesystem was quite corrupt, so configuration files were damaged. smb.conf was quite fast fixed, but the sendmail configuration was terrible. Thanks to Femi, it's solved. Let's hope we can soon migrate to our new server configuration, without sendmail.

Yesterday, I placed the prices of our Dell-computers online. Now all people can buy them by e-mail, but ikke and Bram are working at an e-shop to automate the whole thing. ikke told me the database structure (and implementation) is ready now, so I can insert the data. Already three computers (all Dell Latitude D800's, the notebook topmodel) are sold. Seems good B-)

This week we have Filmweek (movieweek) and Lentefuif (spring party) at VTK. Let's watch some movies and have a great party this week!

VTK Filmweek flyer

Also some bad news in politics. The European Council and Commission told they'll ignore the desicion of the Parliament to restart the whole software patents direction. It seems there will be a big conflict between those two European institutes. They'll try to vote the direction as an A-item (without discussion) on the next meeting. Some national parliaments already decided they can not accept such things, so let's see what happens. Let's hope they can counter such a boycot of democracy. More information about the desicion here.

Another bad thing coming towards us, is the pc-taxes for copyright. As I mentoined here, some political parties are trying to push a proposal that creates a tax of 40 euro on each computer sold. The money should go to music companies as compensation for the (illegal) copying of their music with computers. Normally, there wouldn't be a majority for that. One of the governing parties, SP.a announced in the media that they were a great opponent of those taxes. Now, they're breaking because of the pressure of another party, VLD to approve the proposal. Stupido's.

Hehe, my girlfried has red the previous post and the piece about her. Than she looks at me in a way she makes me completely crazy. Oh, I love her so much :-D

Sunday, I went to FOSDEM. It was good, some good talks. I visited the desktop tracks about KDE and XFCE, some developer rooms: Gentoo ("Gentoo Documentation Project", missed "Enterprise Java on Gentoo"), Mozilla and Debian ("Fully automatic Linux installations"). Because of some delay, they really messed up the lightning talks, so I missed VideoLAN, wich was very impressive at the booth. FAI was one of the most interesting talks. I think we'll use it for the Linux@UGent project because there's not so much swing in Fedora Stateless. They even don't talk about it for FC4.

And now: let's build a firewall!

Permalink . Peter . 13:31:19 . 462 Words . Life & Fun, VTK, Free Software, EU Software Patents, Politics . Email . No views

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