Archives for: October 2005, 16


Screencasts part III: Victory!

Just found this wiki page which uses some other transcode options. I tried it, converted 2 seconds of a vnc recording to Xvid, and it works, jay :-)


$ emerge tightvnc vncrec transcode
$ vncserver
(enter password if necessary, edit the VNC xinitrc file,...)
$ vncrec -record test.vnc localhost:1
$ transcode -x vnc --use_rgb -i test.vnc -o test.avi -y xvid -k -f 10
$ mplayer test.avi

I'll try connecting to Vino now. Encoding takes a very long time, but well...

/me happy ;-)

Permalink . Ikke . 08:43:00 pm . 90 Words . Technology, Desktop . . 700 views . 2 comments