Archives for: May 2006, 16


More messaging

Been busy lately due to uni work, so not much hacking time. I did enhance that messaging thing a little (not working on other stuff I'd like to work on yet as they're potential SoC projects :-)).

wall, write and other pty based communication support still isn't in there as I didn't manage to get something working (yet). Must be doing something completely wrong somehow.

I did add a "Reply" option to the incoming messages though. Currently the reply dialog is not HIG at all, no I18N support, it's crap PyGTK code, but it does work somewhat.

Here's a little demo (1MB animated GIF screencast, thanks Byzanz (and Company)!)

I made a first "release" for people who's want to play with this. You can find the tarball here, but note it needs work: checking for Python stuff in, fixing Python code, adding I18N support, get the dialog code inside the C daemon, as using a helper is plain stupid (I use a helper as it's pretty easy to create a GUI using PyGTK quickly).

TODO: incoming message throttling (so one can't flood you using smbclient in a shell for loop), I18N (damn intltool 's been driving me crazy), nicer UI, other messaging "protocol" support, get a Telepathy backend out of this (jdub's idea),...

Permalink . Ikke . 03:55:26 pm . 238 Words . Technology, Linux, Desktop, Coding Corner . . 946 views . 11 comments