Archives for: January 2005, 09


I got a (IMHO) nice UI on, using AutoIndex. It still needs some hacking: I want to get some mod_rewrite working, so I can use links like, which will then be interpreted as AutoIndex should generate similar code too then. This way, Google (which doesn't like GET arguments) will index my pages too.
Oh, and I want a GNOME iconset. I had to choose between WinXP and KDE...

Started a discussion on kobject-uevents and DBUS on the mailing list today (link). I've been thinking about it last hours, and my proposition is stupid. Kernel events shouldn't be sent out by the DBUS daemon itself. This should be done by some separate daemon.

If only I could get my session bus working :-(

Normally I should be allowed to create a Subversion repository on my domain once more. Jay :-)

After my blog post about xscreensaver and DBUS, jwz, the xscreensaver developer, posted a comment. I mailed him regarding this issue, check "More" for a digest of our discussion.

Had a performance with my orchestra today. We played the first part of the "New World Symphony" by Dvorak, and the Ouverture from "The Barber of Seville" by Rosinni. Some minor mistakes, but it was pretty good. The public was enthousiastic.
Next performance: April 23, Conservatorium Ghent, Belgium.

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Permalink . Ikke . 11:00:40 pm . 1170 Words . Life, Technology, Linux, Desktop . . 561 views . 1 comment