Archives for: August 2005, 07


Mouse (and sound) troubles fixed

Since a time ago, I had some strange mouse (and sound) problems. I was using a 2.6.11-gentoo-r6 kernel compiled manually with everything working. The only strange thing was some message appearing at boot time (more exactly when /etc/init.d/alsasound was started) pointing me at the fact that there was a problem with the program reading the file "/etc/asound.state". I took a look into that file, but all I saw were @'s and other strange signs, so it seemed it was a binary one. Normally there are no binary files in /etc, so I thought it might be corrupted and I removed the file. (In fact: it is the file where your mixer levels are stored, so removing it couldn't cause any problems) Since then, sound wasn't working anymore.

Another problem I had, was when I compiled a new 2.6.12 kernel starting from the old .config file and using "make menuconfig". When booting that kernel, my USB-mouse didn't work anymore. Touchpad and the "clit" (that little "button" between the g and h on some laptopkeyboards) worked perfect. It even didn't work anymore when I recompiled the old 2.6.11 kernel with the config gathered from "zcat /proc/config.gz > .config" because I lost the original one. So these two 2.6.11 kernels should be identical, but the newly compiled one didn't make my USB-mouse work the way the old one did. Strange stuff, isn't it?

So, thanks to the nice guys on bcol the problem is solved now. In my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, I had three sections "InputDevice": one for my keyboard and two for my mice (USB and touchpad/clit). One was using /dev/input/mouse0, the other one /dev/input/mouse1. Toni (Dutch weblog) explained me that I could better use /dev/input/mice as this is some virtual device combining the input from all mouse-devices. I even shouldn't merge the two sections and there options, just change the device. And yes, this works! And with the new kernel, I also have sound working! There must be some file corrupt in the old kernel image. Thanks, Toni!

Next thing on the list is following the Gentoo Power Management Guide, when I have some time.

Permalink . Peter . 23:28:25 . 366 Words . Linux, My Gentoo . Email . No views


Dates of Sessions


Major Political Events



House of Representatives

Members of the Seventieth United States Congress


Map showing party membership at the start of the 70th Senate. Red states are represented by two Republicans and blue by two Democrats. Purple states are represented by one senator from each party. Minnesota was represented by a Republican and a Farmer-Laborite.
Map showing party membership at the start of the 70th Senate. Red states are represented by two Republicans and blue by two Democrats. Purple states are represented by one senator from each party. Minnesota was represented by a Republican and a Farmer-Laborite.


Don't we just love MS and the great software they offer us? ;-)

Don't take tis too seriously, of course

Permalink . Ikke . 05:21:19 pm . 19 Words . Life . . 6958 views . 3 comments

Regelmatig kijk ik de statistieken van deze weblog eens na. Zo kan ik bijvoorbeeld melden dat 2 augustus tot nu toe de drukste dag was met 1983 bezoekers, en dat Liferea, Feedreader en Mozilla Thunderbird de populairste tools zijn om deze RSS-feed te volgen. Wat echter steevast leuke informatie oplevert, zijn de "refering searches". Hier kan je zien welke zoektermen men gebruikt heeft in Google of een andere zoekmachine om op deze pagina's terecht te komen. Blijkbaar mag je echt rare dingen ingeven om toch nog hier terecht te komen.

Ik weet niet of ik die mensen heb kunnen helpen in hun zoektocht naar informatie :-D De meeste zoektermen zijn echter eerder termen ivm linux, ipw2200, wlan, (k)ubuntu, kismet,... Hopelijk hebben die mensen iets aan mijn schrijfsels hier h

Permalink . Peter . 17:01:45 . 145 Words . Life & Fun, Internet & Blogs . Email . No views