- Lennert got his own blog in here. Check it out.
- Installed 2 new themes, and modified them a bit to my needs: wpc_rubric and Stockholm.
- Tried to get Gaim-Blogger to work with this Blog, I couldn't get it working tough.
- Re-installed my phpOpenTracker visitor tracker. jpGraph currently refuses to work tough ;-(
I worked some more on the PHP code generation stuff. Now there's "memberVariable" class, which can be used inside "classBuilder", so the member variables are abstracted and can easily be added to a classBuilder forged class by the application. I'm also working on memberFunction classes (like getMemberFunction, setMemberFunction and complexMemberFunction) that define class member functions. The first and second one create standard get and set methods, the third one can create custom methods.
Generating classes representing all objectClasses and attributeTypes defined in core.schema, cosine.schema, inetorgperson.schema and nis.schema takes 3.6 seconds, which is not too slow. It's the "Connecting to LDAP Server" and "Fetching schema information" parts that take the longest time, class generation is pretty quick.
One more new feature: all generated memberVariables get PHPDoc compliant comments. The memberFunctions should get it too (when I finish the classes, almost done in fact), and in the end classes should get their documentation too.
I'm trying to help Lode getting Gentoo on his brand new laptop. Not an easy one. Those damn cheap Medions :roll: