A picture says 100x more than words...
(thumbnail is link to original picture)
This makes me feel good :-)
The picture shows how I started and stopped xscreensaver a few times (by issuing "xscreensaver-command -activate" on a console), in the bottom left corner you can see the desktop-event-notification executable running (I did not daemonize it yet), and last but not least the Gaim debug window where my Gaim plugin shows it's received some DBUS messages sent by the server.
There is on major bug: XScreensaverStarted isnt always catched by the listener, nor by "xscreensaver-demo -watch". I will have to contact the xescreensaver maintainer I guess.
Next to this: the actual "set me away" isnt done yet. This shouldn't be too hard now, calling some functions when a DBUS message is received.
I included all necessary autotools stuff too, so it's as easy as sh autogen.sh && ./configure && make && make install.
I hope I'll be able to code the other parts tomorrow. Sleep now.
Big thanks to everyone hacking on DBUS, the guys at #gaim@freenode, and Google ;-)
I want to get gaim and the gnome notification making use of dbus event notification from evolution. I'm really interested to get access to your code but I did not find where it is located. Can you give me an access to ?