as some of you might now I'm currently employed (just one month) at some nice company called Dedigate, where I'm allowed to do some nice coding stuff etc (ok, also less exciting things ;-)) whilst getting payed. As I'm behind a computer screens >8h/day over there, trying to write some good code, I'm not in a real coding-mood when I get home (don't flame me, I'm just some normal human being). This implies I rarely blog, as I don't like to blog about my "normal" life.
Nothing too fancy happened lately, except the fact I saw Arsenal (not the football club) live at BoomTown (wiiiii :-)), the DConf project was released to the wolves, and I got 20 years old today (07/28) (got a nice little present from my favourite girl, the piano and violin scores of the Brahms piece I blogged about before, thank you!).
I'm quite tired now, guess I need some good sleep to be able to get to work again tomorrow. 2 weeks to go :-)
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