Ikke's Blog

Category: Linux

Jan 7

Just installed XGL using this howto, and ran it. Doesn't work: windows are rendered well (in FluxBox, not in e17 -> artifacts), but whenever you move a window, the window content isn't updated/re-rendered, don't know how to explain better.

Needs work I guess :-)

Jan 3
GConf split defaults

This is some good news!

Ikke • Linux, DesktopPermalink 1 comment
Dec 31
Metacity scroll-to-become-invisible

Finished my "scroll on the titlebar to change window opacity" patch today.

Because images say more than words:

(Image is link to original)

Scroll up on the title bar to make the window more opaque, scroll down to make them more transparent, in steps of 4%.
There might be some minor bugs in the code, and the code might be not-really-acceptable (breaking Metacity standards) but hey, it works :-)

You can find a complete "cvs diff" of my current local metacity-cvs-head branch here. It contains both the composite manager changes and the scroll-on-titlebar thingy.
The current composite manager will be dropped in favour of the GL-accelerated one in the spif2 branch. I still couldn't get that one working though :-(

[edit] In Bugzilla now, GNOME bug #325373.

I started working on "Planet UGent" today, just for fun, which should aggregate everyone who is somehow related to UGent: students, teaching staff,...
Templates taken from Planet Gnome and altered thanks to Peter and RealNitro. Still a lot of design work (top banner, CSS) to do though. And obviously, we need more feeds :-)

Dec 28
More composite

In the end I decided to try the patched metacity using the binary nvidia drivers, and I must confess, it works great. Some things (like alt-tab) seem to be broken, but transparency works without any speed issue.

While I was in that second X instance, I decided to give luminocity another try too and guess what... It was working great! I attempted to make a little movie of it with my DSC. The quality is very bad, but you should be able to get an idea of what we might get one day (optional, of course ;-))

Please don't leech the movie too much, it's 23MB... You can find it here (thanks to Zeus for the hosting ;-))

Dec 28
RhythmBox bubbles

A Zeus member (the Gaim Guifications author) complained about the bubbles RhythmBox pops up when a new track starts.
As I'm always willing to help others (right :roll:) I made a little patch to make this behaviour optional.

It's small, ugly and untested, so use with care ;-) Against current RB CVS from cvs.gnome.org. Patch
You got to pass "--disable-bubbles" to ./configure, they're enabled by default.

Alver, let me know whether it works please so I can fix it if necessary :-)

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