Archives for: June 2005, 09


Done today
  • Created an initial page on OPluginManager on
  • Started writing a longer article on women in the FOSS community, now Gnome-Women was launched (actually, did that yesterday ;-))
  • Sent an email to the author of this article in our local newspaper to explain crackers are no hackers (and the other way around). WikiPedia got some decent information on this issue.
  • Did not study enough :-(


  • Continue working on the OPluginManager design, then implement some more of it. Get to learn some more on GObject<->Python/Mono interaction, and Python/Mono<->native calling code (ie how to allow using an OPluginManager object in Python/C#, and how to allow OModuleLoader/OPluginManager to work with Python/C# based plugins).
  • Finish the mentioned article
  • Poke jdub to get some response (even if it's negative) ;-)
  • Write some of my ideas on the Tag based desktop down, decide wether to send it to desktop-devel@gnome or xdg@fdo, and do so accordingly.
  • Study!!!!
Permalink . Ikke . 09:02:42 pm . 195 Words . Life, Technology, Desktop . . 274 views . 2 comments