Archives for: December 2004, 09


Fedora Stateless disapointment, Python and Subversion

I'm starting to get disapointed by the Fedora Stateless project. We are unable to get the stateless-tools working without using X (which is, of course, not installed on our server). Is the project abandoned? It'd be a pitty, because the idea behind it is great, and it's very uefull in a lot of cases.

I re-read the Python tutorial I found once, and started to try writing some simple scripts. Python is getting bigger and bigger: it's used by Gentoo Linux, the Fedora Project and Ubuntu Linux as scripting language for a big part of their management tools, both X- and CLI-based, and also other applications use it. All new technologies like DBUS and HAL got Python bindings. And of course there's stuff like PyGTK.
One of those projects that got Python support is Subversion. Now I wanted to try to write some scripts using to make Subversion repository access somewhat more accessible for RCS-newbies, but didn't manage to get things working. API's seem to have changed (i.e., not conformant to the samples I found), I tried to hack on it a bit, but then got pointer errors (I guess thanks to Swig), altough AFAIK I can't work with pointers in Python?!?
In the end I gave up and created some of the scripts using good old Bash, with some help of PHP and Pear::Config for ini-file handling. The results are here, not completed yet!!!

I changed quite a lot on the Subversion setup on our server, using SVNParentPath and the authz_svn module now. Haven't updated the howto tough.

We had free (as in beer) Bicky Burgers this evening at VTK. It's the first time I ate one of these things. There was some sort of unofficial contest to eat as many of them as we could (there were like 96 of them), I ate 2 of them, which was on the average.

I'm tired and need some sleep, badly.

Permalink . Ikke . 10:50:10 pm . 534 Words . Life, Technology, Linux . . 568 views . 3 comments