Archives for: January 2005, 08


Didn't have much time to code today, had to visit some family. Had a good meal ;-)

I hacked some DBUS support into XScreensaver today. Xscreensaver *should* send out a signal on the session bus now when the screensaver starts, or when it stops. Now guess what: it doesn't work (for now). Some security thing which disables me from sending events on my session bus :-(

Patch is here.

When this works, I will write a plugin for Gaim, which listens to the session bus. If it catches a screensaver event, it'll set your status to "Away" when the screensaver is started, and make you "Available" when the screensaver is stopped, if you were so when it started.

I created a new subdomain,, where coding stuff will be hosted. I'd need some fancy "index" script, because Apache indexing doesn't work :-( I'd also need a decent Subversion repository. Maybe I should ask the guys who are so kind to host me (you know who you are).

Got some other new DBUS-based idea too, I'll discuss it on the dbus and gnome-desktop mailing lists when I get time.

Sent the mail to the dbus list regarding the kernel events stuff. Now it looks like I wasn't subscribed on that list anymore, and I need moderation... Hope they'll read and allow it soon.

Permalink . Ikke . 10:55:32 pm . 265 Words . Technology, Linux, Desktop . . 942 views . 3 comments
Dbus kernel events part 2

I got the appended strings working, thanks to the patch to udev-ize CUPS (here).

No screenshot for now, this is some of the result (from dbus-monitor):

signal interface=org.kernel.KobjectUevent; member=KobjectUevent; sender=:1.20
signal interface=org.kernel.KobjectUevent; member=KobjectUevent; sender=:1.20

Some more code-cleanups, and its done :-)

Next thing TODO: get on the DBUS mailing list, ask whether it's usefull to write a patch which incorporates this into DBUS itself (optionally), so one more daemon isn't necessary.

Current code is here. Watch out: it's not completely finished!!!

Permalink . Ikke . 10:54:25 am . 134 Words . Linux . . 1436 views . Leave a comment