Archives for: January 2005, 10


Still haven't got the DBUS session bus working :-(

Made a patch for HAL-CVS so it broadcasts kobject-uevents to DBUS. It's of no use. Will give it some usefullness (SP?) tomorrow :-)
Current patch is here.

Started working on the xscreensaver <-> DBUS link. Some testing code is here, not indented. It's buggy, so don't look at it too closely.
sGapor gave a good hint about another possible use of this daemon: pause your media player when your screensaver is started.
Creating the Gaim plugin to idle you when the screensaver is started shouldn't be too difficult now I looked at the sources of gaim-remote.

Anyone's got the name of a music group that plays Turkish traditional music?

[edit] Just got an email from Havoc with some pointers on how to try to get the system bus working. Tomorrow...

Permalink . Ikke . 10:59:25 pm . 186 Words . Life . . 243 views . 2 comments