Archives for: February 2005, 01


Writing Makefiles the manual way, and using autotools

As promised, the article on writing Makefiles. As an extra, I also include how to build a basic/simple autotools project.

Writing Makefiles, the manual way

Let's get started.
First of all, you need all files used in my previous article, i.e. test-signal.gob and test-signal-test.c

There are some rules of thumb you can use when writing a Makefile manally:

  1. Find out what programs you need to process your source files

  2. Find out what packages you need: which headers, and which libraries

  3. Make a list of all source files, and find out which ones are dependent on others

Let's get through these step by step:

  1. What programs do we need? We need gob2 of course, to process our gob file. Next to this, we need the stuff you need most of the time when creating a Makefile: a compiler and a linker. And guess what, GCC can do both things.

  2. What packages do we need? Remember the command line thing you had to use when compiling the test-signal executable?

    gcc -Wall `pkg-config --libs --cflags gobject-2.0 glib-2.0` -o testsignal test-signal-test.c test-signal.c

    We don't even need this line to figure out what we need: we're building a gobject, so we need all libs and headers provided by the gobject package, version 2.x in our case, same thing for glib.
    How can we find out where these things are located? Well, the smart people at made a nifty tool called pkg-config. When a library is installed, it can install a pkg-config resource file, which lists the directories where it's stuff is installed. For some samples of these files, check /usr/lib/pkg-config. The pkg-config command line utility can parse these files and give you the information you need.

  3. What source files have we got, and which one needs which? We got 2 files, test-signal.gob and test-signal-test.c. In the end we want to generate an executable called test-signal, which needs test-signal.c (the GObject implementation file) and test-signal-test.c.
    We will work in 2 stages here: first we'll compile all necessary .c files to an object file (.o), then in the end link all object files together in a nice executable.
    Here's what should happen: test-signal.gob should be parsed by gob to create our test-signal.c and test-signal.h file, test-signal.c must be compiled, test-signal-test.c must be compiled, and finaly test-signal.o and test-signal-test.o should be linked into test-signal.

First a little intermezzo. You might be asking "If I need to make all these lists, what's the use? Can't I just write some Bash script which executes the gcc command all at once?". Well, no. Make does more than just executing some commands. It also checks whether it *should* do something. Imagine you got 100 source files. You got all of them compiled, linked into some executable, run that one, and find some bug. You fix it by editing some lines in one file, and re-execute your huge gcc command. Gcc would recompile all 100 files, which will take some time.
If you use a Makefile make will find out only one file has been altered since the last build, it'll let gcc recompile only that file, then relink all object files together, which will take less time. Next to this: once using autotools, everything becomes much simpeler ;-)

Ok, now we got all prerequisites. Let's get started writing our Makefile.
I always tend to use the same format when writing one (although I dont write many of them, I use autotools ;-)). I start with defining the executables:


This is not necessary, but can be usefull sometimes. Now we can use these variables later on. If we want to change the linker, we only have to edit the Makefile in one place.

Next comes the definition of the CFLAGS, the flags given to the compiler (CC) when compiling a sourcefile into an object file:

CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`
CFLAGS+=`pkg-config --cflags gobject-2.0`
CFLAGS+=-Wall -g

As you can see, we request the CFLAGS necessary for glib-2.0 and gobject-2.0 (2.x, actually) by querying pkg-config. In the end we add 2 compiler flags: -Wall, which tells gcc to show all possible warnings, and -g, which tells gcc to include debugging information. This can result in a somewhat bigger executable, but it is very usefull if we want to debug the program using GDB.

Now we define the LDFLAGS, the flags given to the linker:

LDFLAGS=`pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
LDFLAGS+=`pkg-config --libs gobject-2.0`

This should be fairly self-explaining.

This project only consists of one executable, so I define an "OBJS" variable including all the object files needed to build our executable:

OBJS=test-signal.o test-signal-test.o

Now comes the name of the executable we want to create:


Now the magic starts. Until now we only defined some variables for later use. We were not forced to do so, it's just more convenient later on. Actually, when building small things, we can just use re-use this Makefile, and only have to change the variable definitions (OBJS, PROG, maybe some CFLAGS and LDFLAGS).

Now some rules follow, which tell make how to handle files:

%.c %.h %-private.h: %.gob
        $(GOB2) $<

This rule tells make: "When a foo.c, foo.h or foo-private.h is needed, and not existant, it should be made from foo.gob, by executing "$(GOB2) $<" which gets expanded as "gob2 foo.gob"". Indeed, % represent "a string", $(GOB2) is the variable we defined at the beginning and gets expanded as "gob2", and $< gets expanded as the first item on the right of the semicolon (":").
One big thing to watch out for: Makefiles are indenting-sensitive but you may not use spaces. So in the last Makefile fragment there's a [tab] before $(GOB2).
The format of a rule is very simple:

filenametobuild: dependenciestobuilditfrom
[tab]what to do first[enter]
[tab]what to do next if necessary[enter]


Next we define how to link our $(PROG):

$(PROG): $(OBJS)
        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(PROG)

$(PROG) is built out of $(OBJS) by issuing "$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(PROG)", expanded to "gcc `pkg-config --libs gobject-2.0` `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0` test-signal.o test-signal-test.o -o test-signal"

We still have to tell make how to create object files out of source files:

%.o: %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

You should be able to figure out what this does by yourself.

Now we add some convenience targets:

all: $(PROG)

default: $(PROG)

        rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROG)
        rm -f test-signal.[ch]
        rm -f test-signal-private.h

This enables us to just type "make", which will start building the "default" target, or "make all", which will build the "all" target, or "make clean" to "build" the "clean" target.
Notice a target

  1. is not forced to "do" something ("all" and "default"). You can just say "it depends on "foo" and/or "bar", which will be built then, and

  2. the dependencies of a target may be empty ("clean")

Let's end with the complete Makefile:


CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`
CFLAGS+=`pkg-config --cflags gobject-2.0`
CFLAGS+=-Wall -g

LDFLAGS=`pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
LDFLAGS+=`pkg-config --libs gobject-2.0`

OBJS=test-signal.o test-signal-test.o


%.c %.h %-private.h: %.gob
        $(GOB2) $<

$(PROG): $(OBJS)
        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(PROG)

%.o: %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<

all: $(PROG)

default: $(PROG)

        rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROG)
        rm -f test-signal.[ch]
        rm -f test-signal-private.h

Save this file as a file called "Makefile" in your source directory, and type "make". This should be the result:

gob2 test-signal.gob
gcc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` `pkg-config --cflags gobject-2.0` -Wall -g -c test-signal.c
test-signal.c: In function `test_signal_testsignal':
test-signal.c:141: warning: implicit declaration of function `memset'
gcc `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` `pkg-config --cflags gobject-2.0` -Wall -g -c test-signal-test.c
gcc `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gobject-2.0` test-signal.o test-signal-test.o -o test-signal
rm test-signal.c

Notice the "rm test-signal.c": make removes the files it generated itself, so when you update test-signal.gob, it will tell gob to reconstruct the c file, otherwise the c file wouldnt get updated.

Now you should be able to execute ./test-signal.

Ok, we got a nice Makefile now, but it took some time to write it, isn't it? And we don't have a "normal" FOSS install method like ./configure, make, make install...

Well, that's what we are going to do now. The following stuff is much easier than writing Makefiles by hand (you know, FOSS devs are lazy people ;-)), but it is useful to know how Makefiles are formatted, and how they work, though.

Ok, time for some really 1337 (couldn't stop it) stuff: introducing GNU Autotools.

Using the GNU Autotools to build your project

Didn't you ever want to be able to write such a neat ./configure script yourself? Here's how to do it with our sample project :-)

Autotools consist of a bunch of utilities, most of them starting with "auto" (duh). There's autoconf to generate a "configure" script from a file you provide, there's the automake script that creates Makefile's for you (actually, it does not create Makefiles. Read on), and many more.

This is how it works: the configure script will look up a bunch of stuff for you (or you provide it using --with-foo=... etc), it will do some tests to figure out whether the project should compile and run cleanly on your system, and in the end it will generate some files.
A boilerplate for these generated files should be provided by you, called "". The generated file will be "thefile" then. Inside "", you can use variables like these: "@FOO@", which will be substituted by the configure script.
That's the system automake uses: you write a simple file (read on on how to do this), automake generates a long and difficult file, which gets processed by configure to create the final Makefile.

GNU Autotools have some strict rules (although it is possible, but not advisable, to get around them). Source files should be in the src/ subdirectory, and some files are required in the root directory of the project. We'll find out which ones these are later on.

Let's get started by creating our initial project directory layout:

#Go into an empty directory
mkdir src
cd src
cp /foo/bar/test-signal.gob ./
cp /foo/bar/test-signal-test.c ./
cd ..

Initial task: once more, figure out what the required dependencies are. As mentioned in the first part, we need gobject-2.0 and glib-2.0. Next to this, we need a working C compiler.

We can start writing a file now, in the root dir of our project, which will be processed by autoconf to generate out ./configure script. Here's what it could look like, comments (starting with "dnl") inline:

dnl Register ourselves to autoconf, giving the main source file

dnl Init Automake, giving the program name and version. More parameters (author and author's email) are optional
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(TestSignal, 0.1)
dnl Enable maintainer mode (debugging flags etc)

dnl Check whether we got a good C compiler. Variable "CC" will be defined and expanded in the .in files

dnl GOB2 macro, to check whether gob version >=x.y.z (here >=2.0.0) is found. Variable "GOB2" will be substituted/expanded

dnl Use built-in macro's to query pkg-config. First parameter is a variable name we'll use later on, second is the package to check for (with optional minimal version), third is the thing to do if the package is found, fourth if not
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, glib-2.0, have_glib=true, have_glib=false)
if test "x${have_glib}" = "xfalse" ; then
        AC_MSG_ERROR([No Glib package information found])
dnl So glib-2.0 is found. Remember the first parameter in the previous command, GLIB? Well, GLIB_CFLAGS now contains the output of `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`, same thing for GLIB_LIBS with --libs instead of --cflags
dnl AC_SUBST tells configure to substitute the given value in the provided .in files

dnl Same thing for gobject-2.0
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GOBJECT, gobject-2.0, have_gobject=true, have_gobject=false)
if test "x${have_gobject}" = "xfalse" ; then
        AC_MSG_ERROR([No GObject package information found])

dnl Here we tell the configure script which files to *create*, so we leave out the .in part
        Makefile        \

Currently and src/ don't exist yet, they will be created by automake later on.

This file is a very simple one, it can be a tedious job to create complex files :-/

Next thing: files, which will be processed by automake to create the's.
In the project root dir, this file can be very simple:


We just define the subdir(s) of the current dir.
src/ is a little more complex:


bin_PROGRAMS = test-signal

test_signal_SOURCES = test-signal.c test-signal-test.c

test_signal_LDADD = $(GLIB_LIBS) $(GOBJECT_LIBS)

%.c %.h %-private.h: %.gob
        @GOB2@ $<

Some explanation:

  • "INCLUDES" is a variable that will be given to every compile call to "$(CC)", here we only need the glib and gobject includes. Remember these values will be setted by the configure script.
  • "bin_PROGRAMS" is a variable defining the names of all targets we want to be installed as an executable in the bin directory (/usr/local/bin if no prefix is given to ./configure)
  • "test_signal_SOURCES" is a variable defining which files are needed to make the target "test-signal". Notice "-" being replaced with "_" here, which is a common thing in automake files.
  • "test_signal_LDADD" defines which parameters to offer to the linker when linking the input object files to the "test-signal" executable. We could have used a global "LDADD" variable here, like "INCLUDES", or have made "INCLUDES" non-global by using "test_signal_INCLUDES". In large projects this can make a big difference.
  • The last part is the one we also used in our hand-written Makefile. It will be put like this in the resulting by automake, so make will know how to build .c and .h files from a .gob file.
    Automake puts all non-automake-specific stuff that's in in the resulting

Now everything is done. At least, almost ;-) We still need to call out autotool scripts.
It's easy to do this from a shell script. Most projects call this script "", so will we. This script can be fairly complex, ours will be braindead easy:

automake -a

As you can see, we first call aclocal (part of the automake package), then autoconf, then automake with the -a flag.
Why "aclocal"? Autoconf, which creates a configure script out of a file, uses M4, a complex macro system, to do this. aclocal copies the necessary macro definitions for your system to the right place.

Run this script, or enter the commands by hand. aclocal can give a lot of warnings, don't bother about these.
If this is the first time you run the script, you will see some automake errors in the end, and the script execution will fail: required file `./NEWS' not found required file `./README' not found required file `./AUTHORS' not found required file `./ChangeLog' not found

These are the required files I mentioned earlier. We'll just touch them for now so they "exist", although contain no usefull information:


Now restart the script, everything should pass now.

If you take a look now, you'll see a couple of files are created now (who will be converted into Makefiles by configure, remember?), and the configure script.

Let's take our work to the test, and run ./configure. You'll see the usual output, and everything should pass fine (we don't have a lot of prerequisites :-))

Now let's try if our project builds fine:


Jay, lot of compiler commands, no errors. Fun :-)

To finish, test whether the executable works:

cd src

The same output as before appears, we're member of the Autotools User Group now ;-)

That's it for now, more stuff should follow: "The Glib mainloop", "Debugging using GDB", and a from-scratch "program" we'll create. I only lack the time to write everything ;-)

I'd like to convert these articles to some format so they can be used outside this blog (converted to PDF, HTML,...). Docbook seems to be a good format to do this, I need to get used to it first, though. If someone knows a good Docbook editor (next to Conglomerate), please let me know.

Permalink . Ikke . 10:49:08 pm . 2936 Words . Technology, Linux, Coding Corner . . 2952 views . 1 comment

I just found this article on, and I'm amazed. This is *so* unreal :crazy:
If you're too lazy to read it, or just want to know why you should: it looks like CCux Linux included Ivman in their latest development release, by default XX(
Quoting the Release Notes:

(But) This Version has some nice new Features too. Supermount doesn't handle the automatically Device mounting. In Fact, this is now handled from dbus 0.23, hal 0.4.7 and ivman 0.5. This Combination does this Job much better when mounting CD/DVD Drives or USB Sticks, Kameras or other Things. Therefore it doesn't need anymore User Interaction to get all Drives running.

88| :-P :-) :-D :-p B-) |-| :>>

This is some great new, isn't it? Mostly thanks to Rohan lately I guess :-) YOU ROCK

Next to this: as promised in my GObject Signal handling article, I wrote a makefile for it, and even did the autotools stuff. I'll write an article on that stuff this evening, or tomorrow, if possible.

PS. Good news: exam was fairly good, I think. Let's hope for the best tomorrow.

Permalink . Ikke . 07:00:07 pm . 225 Words . Technology, Ivman . . 1255 views . 4 comments
Belnet jabber problems caused by bug in jabberd14

Now that Belnet has a jabber server, I created a JID there and I want to migrate my whole roster to Belnet as I think it would be more stable than Before moving all my contacts, I first tested out the service there. I added my amessage-JID to my Belnet roster, but never recieved an authorisation request in Gaim. Logging on to the GreenThumb applet, I see "pending" at my amessage-contact. Sander, a jabber contact and very active within jabber and ejabberd, told me that the problem is caused by an s2s-bug in jabberd14. I've sent an e-mail, let's hope they fix it soon or switch to ejabberd.

Permalink . Peter . 13:29:59 . 111 Words . Jabber . Email . No views
Loops and oversized ethernet frames

Looks we know the origin of our problems with the VTK-server yesterday. We're not the only one having those troubles: when the sysadmin of the building connects a computer to an unused UTP-connection, the pc seems like under DoS attack. One of the network operators told about a known problem, some loop. The last message on our firewall (dmesg) indeed was "oversized ethernet frame". That could cause some delay and Metsie, the impatient one, thought our server was the problem and rebooted it with the known result. Normally it should be fixed now...

Permalink . Peter . 11:39:33 . 93 Words . VTK . Email . No views
New category

Just made a new blogging category, "Coding Corner". I've got some ideas related to a serie of articles on Gnome/Glib coding, building on GObjects like in the article of yesterday, but also introducing some basic GTK+ coding, daemonizing, autotools (autoconf/automake/autoheader) and some more. It will be a little "Hello world" program, which can *normally* be done in like 10 lines of code, but a little more sophisticated here. I hope I'll be able to start writing the first article (about the Glib mainloop) tomorrow afternoon.
I'm looking for some format to write the articles in, so maybe I'll be able to generate PDF documents of them later on, etc. Maybe I should take a look at Docbook? LaTeX isn't really suited here.
Of course the CUPS PDF Writer could do it's job too ;-)

Got an exam at 14:00 and tomorrow morning, wish me luck, I need it.

Permalink . Ikke . 09:37:36 am . 148 Words . Life, Technology, Coding Corner . . 206 views . 1 comment
Spirit wants discussion about Free Software with Gates, Belnet jabberserver, Exam and VTK troubles

Just had my exam HFC Accessnetworks, more difficult than I expected, but I think it'll be OK. Next one is those damn bloody statistics. Yeah, like RealNitro. I'll do it for the 5th time, RealNitro for the 3th. If I don't pass this one (now and in August ;-)), I'll have to redo all exams of my second year while I'm doing the 4th year now (in the 3th year I passed all exams succesfully).

Had some troubles at VTK today. When I finnished my exam, I put on my cellphone and Sygmoral had sent a message pointing me on the fact that the VTK servers were down. Now, at VTK, we have a mail/file-server, a webserver and a firewall. The firewall is an old machine (but does its job well) with a hard disk with a corrupted segment. We didn't know about that corrupted segment and found a blank partition when we first looked at it. (we = the sysadmins of this year) Yeah, we thought to prepare a new gentoo-installation and new firewall on that partition, but it wouldn't work. No problem, we should take care of it after the exams, the machine still runs fine under the current slackware. But when testing the new gentoo, we installed grub and for some reason we couldn't make grub boot into the old slack-installation. Re-installing the old lilo didn't work also. The problem with grub is nog fixed and was quite strange: we had to create a symlink to grub.conf, called menu.lst. |-| Didn't know that, never done that and always working. But thanks to Femi, the firewall can now be rebooted back in the working slack-environment without having manually to edit the bootline in the grubconfig while rebooting.

So back to this afternoon: seems Metsie has also notified the website could not be viewed and he didn't get mails anymore. So, he thought to be smart and rebooted the firewall. Bad idea: as I mentoined above, the firewall tries to boot in that corrupted harddisk segment. So I arrive, see kernel panic. With the help of Ikke, I could reboot the machine in a working kernel, but firewalling wasn't working as it used to be: from within VTK we could view webpages of the outer world, but from any other place, we couldn't see VTK's. Pinging was no problem. Seems that there were lots of old kernels on that machine and one of them is the right one to boot :crazy: A hint for everyone: just make sure you always have just one working kernel and delete the non-working ones! So you can't make mistakes ;-)

I also introduced the DeathRow at VTK today :>> At our fileserver, we have a temp-directory but that's evolved to a personal extra storage of the preasidium members. If they have work for school, they put it there. That's not what it's initially created for. If we want to periodically delete the contents of that directory, there are always questions like "please, don't delete this one, we still need it and it's too big for our personal directory" and now there are several files called "filename-please_dont_delete". Now, no more mercy for them! I've created a directory "deathrow" somewhere else on the server, executable and readable for everyone, but the contents itself are root-owned and not readable by others. From now on, every week the contents of the temp will be moved to the deathrow. If there are some files (only VTK-files, no personal files) that must be kept for still a few weeks, we can manually copy them back to temp, but we won't do it much. The old contents of DeathRow are deleted before moving the temp to it.

Some real other stuff now!
Tomorrow Bill Gates comes to Brussels. Normally he'll talk about Software Patents. For the moment, Software Patents are not possible in Europe, but the European Patent Office illegaly accepted more than 30.000 of them. Now, those companies payed a lot for this patents and they now want to make those patents legal. Many protests from free software organisations, consumer organisations, academics, scientists, economists, SME's and the European Parliament made enough amendements to the directive preventing non-trivial patents. Now the European Commission wants also to allow these ones by placing them on the meetings shedule of the European Agriculture Ministers (who don't know anything of this by default) as an A-item: an item that's being voted (normally yes) without discussion. In the meantime the European Parliament tries to restart the whole proces to reopen the whole discussion since many people have changed their mind (against SP's) and the EU now consist of 10 more countries than when the whole story started. And now Gates comes lobbying for those damn software patents... Let's hope they never introduce them here. More info about why software patents are bad can be found in Dutch here, in French here and here in English and many other languages.

No software patents!

Now that Gates is coming to Brussels, the Flemish political party Spirit wants to discuss with Gates about Free and Open Source Software, FOSS. Spirit is known from this I pointed about yesterday, but last year they did also reach the news with an IMHO stupid action "Gates, open your bill" asking for more FOSS in schools and public. OK, I also want more FOSS in schools and so on, but they didn't promote FOSS that way. They only shitted on MS (OK, I also do that sometimes ;-)), their webpage was called "windowssucks.html" and they promoted open standards using a Flash-website :crazy: They even made MS send a letter to the Belgian Government asking for apologies. Crazy people...

Geert Lambert
Geert Lambert, the chairman of Spirit

Some good news about Jabber: BELNET, the Belgian national research network for education, research and public services, has installed a Jabber server. It's a nice bi-processor SunFire V65x with 2GB RAM, connected to the Belnet backbone through a 1Gb ethernet connection running the jabber deamon and a few transports to MSN, ICQ/AOL and Yahoo. They also provide a nice online client called Greenthumb and a very simple one. The goal is to create an open IM-infrastructure, primarly for schools, but usable by everyone. More information can be found here. Let's hope it haves some succes. I already think about moving my JID to Belnet hoping for a better service (less downtime for example ;-)).

Jabber Software Foundation

Permalink . Peter . 00:47:17 . 1065 Words . Life & Fun, VTK, Studies, Free Software, Jabber, EU Software Patents . Email . No views