Archives for: February 2005, 03


Cube live-cd, TC:E update

Remember me introcucing Cube? Check this out! More info here and here. Too bad I can't check it out on my pc, I hope an x86 version will be released aswell. The article in the gentoo newsletter says "a whole cluster of ODWs running Cube will be part of the presentations in the Gentoo developer room at FOSDEM in Brussels, 26-27 February 2005", so maybe I'll see them running there. ;-)

And now for something completely different: more gaming news! :-p The homepage of my favorite RTCW:ET mod has been updated. Next week the developers will release another test-version containing lots of new goodies, and maps. Those screenshots of the 'snow' map look 88| (<-this smiley should be forbidden. I bet it makes some people have an epilepsy attack or something).

Permalink . RealNitro . 19:09:09 . 190 Words . Gaming, CUBE, RTCW:ET . Email . 587 views
Gnome 2.10.0 beta 1 released

Just got the notification on IRC. Jay, finally :-)

Musical hint: check out the "Cello Concerto in a" by Camille Saint-Sa

Permalink . Ikke . 03:56:24 pm . 31 Words . Life, Desktop . . 217 views . Leave a comment

The no software patents logo

Yeah! Democracy realy rules! The European Parliament has voted in the JURI Committee for restart with massive majority! This is a real victory for democracy, because the Parliament made lots of amendments that were ignored by the European Commission, where the big multinationals, like Microsoft and Philips, lobbied for a fast adoption of those horrible patents. That's why the commission wanted to put this as an A-item, an item that's voted without discussion, on meeting of the European agriculture and fishery ministers. Former french prime minister Michel Rocard MEP, PES (FR/PS), gave a very strong speech at the meeting with Commissioner Charlie McCreevy, who had in the morning assured the JURI Committee that the Council would finally adopt its beleaguered Common Position text. Rocard's speech was a very good one, pointing about several "inelegancies" by the Commission, also with some hard words for McCreevy, and that's a big reason why the Parliament members voted for the restart. See here for more information.

One of the trivial patents: dialog boxes with tabs
One of those trivial patents: the 3D use of a computer desktop aka dialog boxes with tabpages.

Exam yesterday (statistics) was horrible. I'll be realy bad. Let's hope it's enough to pass if Analysis of Systems and Signals was good (I think it was good). Tomorrow, I have an exam Design of Multimedia Applications. We had one lesson about MHP, wich is very interesting, one lesson about content management, but most of the time it handles about MPEG standards. Quite interesting, but the projects we had to do this year, weren't that. Let's hope the exam goes well. After that one, there's just one left for next week. After that one: party time! :lalala:

Permalink . Peter . 15:02:04 . 277 Words . Studies, EU Software Patents . Email . No views