Archives for: May 2005, 13


Gevonden in De Standaard:

God roept Vladimir Poetin, George Bush en Guy Verhofstadt bij zich. Het is tijd voor de Apocalyps. De drie zijn uitverkoren om de mensheid in te lichten. Terug op aarde brengt Poetin de Doema dubbel slecht nieuws: god bestaat en de wereld vergaat. Bush beschouwt voor het Congres de goddelijke existentie als een opsteker. Alleen jammer van die Apocalyps. Verhofstadt ten slotte roept de media bijeen voor tweevoudig heuglijk nieuws: ,,Ik mocht bij God op visite. En ik blijf eerste minister, tot het einde der tijden.''

Illustreert jammergenoeg verbazend goed hoe hij over de BHV-saga dacht, met de uiterst pijlijke en beschamende afloop tot gevolg.

Permalink . Peter . 22:59:01 . 109 Words . Life & Fun, Politics . Email . No views

I got the insane (well, not really ;-)) idea today to write a GnomeVFS module that allows you to browse your Evolution EDS contacts using any GnomeVFS-capable application, like Nautilus, as a Proof Of Concept. This is the first GnomeVFS module I write.

Started working on it, and I got a basic module working. It does not get any information from EDS yet, only contains one "file" named JohnDoe, can be very instable,... but well ;-)

Here's a little screenshot:

Currently the "contact files" only have "test" as content, this should become a VCard string, or maybe a FOAF document.

Other things to do:

  • assign a proper MIME type, so I can take advantage of Evo's "Picture" contact-property (so you see the picture as "icon" of the "file", if this is possible at all).
  • assign a proper handler to the "open" action (e.g. open a Mailto: window)
  • Fetch real information from Evo, of course
  • Make it stable (the current tree contains dead pointers, I need to learn using GNode's) and thread-safe
  • ...

Maybe this won't be really usefull, but someone suggested to have some VFS module for Soylent too, so I'm gaining some experience here :-)

Permalink . Ikke . 09:21:53 pm . 208 Words . Technology, Desktop, Coding Corner . . 240 views . Leave a comment
Regarding Microsoft

Although I'm hardly using any Microsoft software anymore, I still admit they got some great things, like their .Net framework and the corresponding IDE, VS.Net (don't hate me now).
This could be some great proof of concept/research technology too.

On the other hand: what did they smoke?

Permalink . Ikke . 08:37:40 am . 67 Words . Technology . . 260 views . 5 comments